Cummins delivers all-electric vehicles to postal service

Staff Reports

Cummins Inc. is delivering eight all-electric vehicles to the U.S. Postal Service, the company announced Monday.

The fully-electric Cummins PowerDrive equipped vans are expected to eliminate vehicle emissions and reduce fuel and maintenance costs. The pilot program, made possible by a grant from the California Air Resources Board to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and administered by CALSTART, will place the zero-emission vehicles in Fresno and Stockton.

Cummins will also provide operator training, vehicle support and data collection to support the program, the company said.

“We’re excited to provide the U.S. Postal Service with these fully-electric vehicles for demonstration and testing,” said Julie Furber, vice president of electrified power at Cummins. “Cummins has a storied history of providing dependable, quality innovations to help power a world that is always on. This program demonstrates our ability to help customers do real work in the real world. Cummins is committed to continue as the leading power supplier in all the markets we serve. As infrastructure and customer demand evolve, we’ll have the right technology at the right time.”

The eight Cummins-powered vans will be in service by March 31. The vans have an all-electric range up to 85 miles with a full load on urban drive cycles typical of U.S. Postal Service collection vehicles.

The vans use the same charging system as passenger electric vehicles and can reach a full charge in about eight hours, making overnight charging a viable option, the company said in a statement.

In 2017, Cummins announced its commitment to invest $500 million in electrification across many applications, markets and regions over a period of three years. Cummins Electrified Power business’ 200 engineers are solely focused on inventing electrified power solutions for its customers.

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