Letter: Criticism of Bartholomew County sheriff’s trip unfair

From: Don Strietelmeier


The Republic — what a way to headline an official’s trip to our nation’s capital: “Sheriff trip bankrolled by FAIR group.” The Republic has made the impression that there is reason to be suspicious about the purpose of this trip and this public official’s association with this group referred to as FAIR.

Of all the trips that local officials and groups have taken in recent years, how many has The Republic reported on who bankrolled the trip?

From what I’ve seen and read, FAIR is promoting policies to reduce unlawful immigration and the problems this creates. Unfortunately, groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League then accuse any group or person who is opposed to their position on immigration, which must be to open borders, as being a hate group. This is just another attempt to intimidate and silence anyone opposed to their views.

If Sheriff Matt Myers used this opportunity to learn something and make some contribution from his experience and knowledge, more power to him.