Around Town — March 12

Orchids to…

President Biden and those members of the House and Senate who helped millions of hungry, worried, and desperate Americans this week with the relief bill.

Greg Dinkens for his spot-on letter.

Rep. Greg Pence for voting against burdening our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars of debt.

radio station 106.1 for adding the song and performer name to the screen on my car!

Matt at Lowe’s plumbing section for his assistance in purchasing a new item, from his valuable advice to putting it in my truck, from Stuart.

the political party who cares more about children than corporations.

President Joe Biden and the Democrats for passing the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

Lincoln Central Neighborhood, Randy Allman, and Diane Doup for helping us with our project, from the Perry’s.

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Pastor Teike for a wonderful message on Sunday, what a blessing.

Cheryl at Cork Liquors for always being so kind and helpful.

Pastor Teike for a meaningful Lenten message this week, from the Apple’s.

the Republic for its article about Rep. Greg Pence voting against the COVID-19 relief bill, designed to help most Americans, but noting $80,000 for paycheck protection went for his family-related business.

the sassy finger-snappin’ ladies bringing the most attitude with their head shaking, hip holding, wine and beer sipping at the high top in the bar.

Onions to…

those blaming the political party for not reaching across the aisle when it was an earlier federal elected official who brought in this era of pouting rather than working together.

the inevitable complaints about the upcoming time change.

having my choice canceled, so I could buy the “50 Shades of” whatever book series, by E. L. James, but not “If I Ran the Zoo,” plus five more books by Dr. Seuss.

the political party who wouldn’t vote to support the American people, support is a two-way street.

our state and local elected officials who voted for tax breaks for the wealthy and against a relief bill that helps the rest of us.

the ex-federal elected official who claims he’s the leader of his party yet wants them to stop fundraising using his name and image.

young people who don’t know anything.

the local representative who votes against anything that is good for Americans such as COVID-19 relief and benefits for veterans.

people who still believe that being a refugee equals illegal immigrant.

the ageist who demeaned the elderly regarding cellphone use.

young people who know too well how to use a cell phone, but comment on older folks when it’s none of their business.

the political party that thinks a $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut for the 1% didn’t do damage to the national debt, which it did, but a $1.9 trillion dollar rescue package does.

our state representatives planning to give an additional $144 million dollars to private school voucher programs, taking it away from public schools.

the political party that has lost its way and no longer stands up for people of color, or women or democracy.

the political party in the state making segregationists proud by rolling back voting access.

the people who are still blaming the ex-federal elected official when he’s been out of office.

allowing fireworks at certain times and dates.

a rude employee at a parts store.

conservatives using public money for rich private schools based on religion.

the elected official who voted against the stimulus package for Americans but accepted almost $80,000 for a family business from the paycheck protection program.

Happy Birthday to…

John and Michael Shireman, from John Tinkey.

Lingjie Zhao from your family, co-workers and Donna.

Shoki Sato from your family and Donna.

Kyle Littell on the big “40,” from Mike and Gail Littell.

Kim Milligan, love your husband Paul Milligan.

Sue Morgan, from Donnie Wayne, Junior, Jacob, Tiffany, Roger Sr., Wilma, Roger Jr., Dawn, and family and friends.

ANOTHER beautiful morning