Visitors Center working on master plan

The Columbus Area Visitors Center is developing a Destination Master Plan for Bartholomew County. The organization hosted 10 input sessions facilitated by David Holder of Clarity of Place, a Longwoods company.

“It was wonderful to feel the support of so many of our partners and to know they value the benefits of tourism and its impact on our county and want to help shape the direction of the masterplan,” said Visitors Center Executive Director Misty Weisensteiner.

Holder has assisted cities including Fort Collins, Colorado, High Point, North Carolina, and Providence, Rhode Island in setting the direction for marketing programs and destination development strategies.

Over the course of three days, input was gathered from stakeholders including city and county officials, arts and culture organizations, representatives of the Hope and Edinburgh areas, hoteliers, and business owners to ensure alignment in programs and direction with community needs.

The master plan will enhance utilization and performance of conference venues, sports venues, quality of-life assets, and special events, and will address drive markets, and seasonality. Work on the plan will continue throughout this year.