City seeks input for community development plan

The Columbus Department of Community Development is seeking public input through an online survey to help identify priorities for federal community development funding that the city will receive during the next five years.

The survey asks a series of questions about local housing needs, economic development, areas of the community that need assistance, among other topics, according to Robin Hilber, programs coordinator at the Columbus Department of Community Development.

A paper version of the survey is also available at the Columbus Department of Community Development at Columbus City Hall. The survey will be available until April 15.

“What this does is tell us what people think are the major priorities that we should have,” Hilber said.

Currently, the city is in the process of drafting its 2019-2023 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development, which will set priorities for how the city will use funds from the federal Community Development Block Grant program

The block grant program funding seeks to benefit low-and-middle income residents, reduce blight or meet an urgent need that is a “detriment to the health and safety of the general public,” city officials said.

Established in 1974 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Community Development Block Grant program has funded billions of dollars in projects across the country at the state and local levels, according to the National Association of Counties, an organization that represents county governments.

In the past, the city has used the funds for several projects, including sidewalks in affordable housing areas and helping seniors and the elderly, Hilber said.

The city typically receives $250,000 per year in Community Development Block Grant funding. The city hopes to receive funds from the federal government by the end of April, Hilber said.

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Visit to take the survey.

A paper version of the survey is available at the Columbus Department of Community Development at Columbus City Hall, 123 Washington St.
