Democrats move quickly to fill District 3 vacancy on ballot

Bartholomew County Democrats have selected Columbus resident and attorney Katea Ravega as the candidate to replace Nancy Hoover on the fall general election ballot for City Council District 3.

Ravega, 42, will challenge incumbent David Bush, 34, who won the Republican nomination for District 3 City Council on Tuesday.

On April 2, Hoover, a former educator who had filed for the seat on the Democratic ticket, dropped out of the race for health reasons.

“I’m not a professional politician,” Ravega said. “I’m doing this because I think it’s important to serve the community. I think I bring a perspective, and I have something to offer.”

A 1995 Columbus East High School graduate, Ravega is a partner at law firm Quarles & Brady LLP in Indianapolis. She said she focuses on health law, including topics related to healthcare technology, pharmaceuticals, controlled substances and the opioid crisis.

She received a law degree from Georgetown University in 2006 and a bachelor of arts in international economics from Valparaiso University in 1999.

Ravega said economic development and infrastructure would be among her priorities if elected in November. More specifically, Ravega said she would like to add shelters to the city’s bus stops. The shelters would shield people from wind and rain and give them a place to sit while they wait for the bus.

She said she often sees people standing, sometimes with heavy bags, waiting for the bus in rainy or windy conditions.

“I want to see the community thriving and do what I can to help,” she said.

Bob Hyatt, Bartholomew County Democratic Party chairman, said Ravega is prepared to run a “strong campaign in the fall.”

“Katea has a real good chance (in November)” Hyatt said. “… She is very intelligent, very personable and she’s got a real commitment to working and pitching in and doing whatever she can to keep Columbus a great city and make it better. She grew up here, and I think as people get to know her, they’ll really like her.”

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”About Katea Ravega” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Age: 42

Current occupation: Partner at law firm Quarles & Brady LLP in Indianapolis

Education: Law degree from Georgetown University and bachelor’s of arts degree in international economics from Valparaiso University

Previous elected offices held: None

Community organization memberships and service: Bartholomew County Bar Association

Family: Husband Marco, two children
