Three seek BCSC District 3 seat

Three candidates are seeking the District 3 seat for Bartholomew Consolidated School Board. They are Todd R. Grimes, Michael A. Jamerson and James Persinger, who is the incumbent.

The candidates were asked what changes they would make as BCSC continues to adapt to COVID-19.

Grimes emphasized the importance of maintaining “straightforward communication” and continually updating COVID-19 practices. “COVID-19 has turned the world of education upside down,” he said. “New instructional practices need to be continually monitored for effectiveness and examined for possible improvements. Some of the changes brought on by COVID-19 — such as remote learning — should be considered possible long-term options as delivery methods continue to improve.”

When asked what changes need to be made as BCSC continues to adapt to COVID-19, Jamerson said that the school corporation needs to continue to improve upon its three methods of instruction (in-person, BRIDGE and Columbus Virtual Pathway) while also recognizing the burden placed on teachers who are delivering instruction to both in-person and virtual students.

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He added, “BCSC needs to continue to review policies and practices as new information becomes available, make learning-centered decisions based on that information, and communicate those decisions to the community.”

Persinger said that the school corporation needs to be more open in its communications with the public.

“I think the administration needs to take a serious, deep introspective into itself and how it deals with the community and the transparency it does, or doesn’t, provide,” he said. “There have been far too many concerned comments from the community begging for more transparency and communication, but the concessions made fall short of what I feel the people deserve.”

Here are the candidates’ answers to additional questions. Answers appear in the order the candidates will appear on the ballot.

Q: What aspects of the school corporation do you hope to focus and improve upon if elected?

Grimes: “There are too many good things happening within BCSC going unnoticed by the community. BCSC needs to make a more concerted attempt at celebrating good news and giving the community good reason to be proud of its school corporation. In addition, open and honest communication between the leaders of the corporation, school leaders, teachers, parents, community members needs to be a continual point of emphasis.”

Jamerson: “BCSC is a great school corporation with many great programs and instructional frameworks such as the Columbus Signature Academy and Universal Design for Learning. I hope to enhance and improve these programs and to ensure that BCSC provides outstanding educational opportunities for all its students.”

Persinger: “I plan to focus on and improve the communication and relationship between the board/administration and the teachers and staff. Currently, there is a bit of a rift between the two entities and a feeling of an intent to keep it that way from the administration, especially when it comes to safety and health within the schools.”

Q: What strengths do you bring to the table as a potential school board member?

Grimes: “I believe my experiences as a professional educator/coach in public schools for the past 30 years would help make me a viable member of the BCSC School Board. My classroom experiences would enable me to bring a unique perspective to the board as would my experiences on insurance committees, negotiating contracts and working closely with superintendents as a part of my teachers’ association duties.”

Jamerson: “As a parent, grandparent, employee, and long-term resident of Columbus, I have a strong commitment to make BCSC the best it can be. I bring a proven track record of service on non-profit boards at the local, state, and national level. My experience as the Director of Technology at BCSC and as a technology leader in the private sector make me uniquely qualified to serve on the BCSC Board.”

Persinger: “I bring a different perspective to the board that I believe is badly needed; a perspective of an average community member with close ties to the school system. I hope to continue bringing a common-sense point of view, the view of the community, to the discussion.”

Q: Apart from COVID-19 and its impacts, what do you think is the biggest challenge facing schools?

Grimes: “When I first started teaching 30 years ago, there were an abundance of teachers competing for jobs. Now, for a number of reasons, the profession is facing a real shortage. Schools are competing from a limited pool of applicants. BCSC is an excellent corporation that needs to continue to find ways to both attract and retain the best the profession has to offer.”

Jamerson: “While the referendum addressed salary and safety issues, funding will continue to be an issue. Indiana’s funding formula has failed to keep up with the costs of delivering a quality education. BCSC has benefited from a strong tax base, but this is dependent on Bartholomew County being a desirable place to live, work, and do business.”

Persinger: “Our teachers are terrific and dedicated, our students are intelligent and driven, and our parents/guardians are caring and want the best for their kids. The biggest challenge I see is getting those three groups together and engaging to provide the best quality education our kids deserve. Working together is the approach that needs to be taken to ensure that everyone, students and teachers, can achieve their full potential.”

Q: What is the number one thing driving you to run for this position?

Grimes: “I am a lifelong resident of Columbus and attended BCSC schools. I am grateful for the 13 years of education I received in BCSC. Our kids attended here. Now we have grandkids attending BCSC schools. It would be an honor to serve on the school board and be a positive contributor to BCSC’s vision of ‘deeper learning for one…and all.’”

Jamerson: “My wife, Sally, and I have raised four boys, all products of the BCSC system, in Sally’s childhood home. I want to use my past work experience as the Director of Technology for BCSC and with K-12 education issues at the state and national level to be a part of making BCSC, Columbus, and Bartholomew County a great place to learn and live for the next generation.”

Persinger: “I want to continue providing a voice for my community and representing their interests and goals for the future of our schools.”

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James Persinger

City of residence: Columbus

Age: 34

Previous offices sought: BCSC School Board – 2016

Occupation: New Projects Engineer – Arvin Sango, Inc.

Education: Ivy Tech Community College – Columbus

Professional honors and associations: BCSC Health Trust Board of Trustees

Community involvement: Foundation for Youth baseball coach for five years

Family: Wife, Abby. Three children, two step-children and one grandchild.

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Todd Grimes

City of residence: Columbus

Age: 52

Previous offices sought: None

Occupation: Lead Teacher – The Academy at Greenfield Central High School

Education: Columbus North High School (1986), Hanover College B.A. (1990), Indiana University M.S. (1997)

Professional honors and associations: Chief Negotiator – Greenfield Central Classroom Teachers’ Association, Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corporation Teacher-of-the-Year, Indiana Council for the Social Studies Distinguished Secondary Teacher Award, Betty Ford Center Professional-in-Residence Program, Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant recipient

Community involvement: Indiana Timing Race Series participant, Columbus Running Club, Relay for Life participant, Andy Critzer Scholarship Committee, past Parks and Recreation baseball and Boys’ Club basketball coach, Hope Star-Journal online columnist, Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation “Good, Better, Best” 5k organizer.

Family: Wife, Kami. Two children and four grandchildren.

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Michael Jamerson

City of residence: Columbus

Age: 71

Previous offices sought: None

Occupation: Retired

Education: B.S., Computer Science – University of Illinois; M.S., Computer Science – University of Illinois.

Professional honors and associations: Chair and treasurer of Consortium for School Networking (CoSN). Chair, treasurer and founding member of the state chapter of CoSN.

Community involvement: Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation (current) – Chair, Treasurer, and Board Member; Boy Scouts (current) – Scoutmaster, Committee Member, PackMaster, Den Leader since 1989; Hoosier Trails Council (past) – Vice-President for Membership, Treasurer, Council Commissioner; Columbus Technology Advisory Committee (past); Family Services, Inc. (past) – Treasurer and Board Member; United Way Allocation Team Member (past); UnCommon Cause co-chair (past); and North Christian Church (past) – Elder

Family: Wife, Sally. Four children and six grandchildren.
