Around Town – June 10

Orchids to …

• SAWs for the lumber and the six gentlemen who made my handicap ramp, from Paula Rice.

• my good friend John Nickoll, your generosity is much appreciated, from Shane Mosier.

• the May twins.

• County Councilman Greg Duke for standing up for the citizens.

• President Joe Biden and Democrats for being the party of reality, building back our economy and working on real kitchen table issues.

• Dave Pence, Bryan Brown, Mark Foster, and Mark Owens for their time and effort for Coach David Fribley’s retirement reception.

• the large number of former Columbus East swimmers and parents for attending the thank-you retirement reception for former coach David Fribley.

• Lisa Loehmeyer for playing an amazing piano for our 55 fellowship group.

• the mountaineer who put his loyalty to the Constitution above his political party.

• Ethan Crowe for heading up the Par 3 golf scrambles.

Onions to …

• the former federal executive who is finding too many hoaxes and conspiracies and we all know better.

• our new leader who says he is making a more humane immigration system, but kids are left by traffickers in the dark alone.

• those that refuse to take advantage of the vaccination clinics, it’s easy, convenient and very professionally run.

• the federal elected official for her comments on the border crisis and why she hasn’t visited it in person.

• using the pandemic as an excuse to not deliver the mail in a timely fashion.

• the current administration extending our border crisis for their own political gain, trying to convince us it will be fixed when we help other countries fix their problems.

• the federal official for his 100% focus on stopping our federal government until at least 2025.

• blaming the border crisis on the current federal elected official since the border crisis was going on for several years before he arrived.

• the former federal elected official for getting us out of the treaty when he should have only made it stronger.

• the federal representative who came into a funeral without a mask on, bringing politics into a sacred church.

Happy Birthday to …

• Russ Hess, from your family, George and Donna.

• Bobbi Gates, from David, Kaydence, Steven, Easton, Jenny, Stephanie, Jessica, Skyler, Mason, and Ryder.

• Kyle Battin, from Mamaw Jan.

• Linda Ebel from your family and neighbors.

• Annie Kinderman, from Joey.

• Luree Garrison, from Lajuana, Linda, and Luretta.

• Belated Happy Birthday to…

• Matthew Scott on No. 26, love family and friends.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Gary and Linda Chambers, from the Garrison girls.

ANOTHER beautiful morning