Around Town – Feb. 23

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Orchids to

the Crescent Drive newspaper carrier for saving me a walk in the heavy rain by putting my paper on my porch Tuesday.

keeping history factual which we have done for 240 years; no need to change to hide or cover up misdeeds and injustice.

the lady who let me in line in front of her and letting me use her coupon, you’re a blessing.

Robert at the Bartholomew County Library for helping two old ladies with their Chromebook and laptop.

Robert of the Bartholomew County Library for professional help in downloading and making copies for the technologically challenged older ladies.

the outstanding article on an outstanding individual, Pat Bryant.

Onions to

blaming attendance on everything except the truth, that it’s getting old and boring.

those with Trump-derangement syndrome.

the leader using the Ukraine crisis to deflect from the invasion of our southern border, soaring energy prices and soaring grocery prices.

the federal elected official destroying our energy independence with terrible policies.

the federal elected official who should close the border and open the pipeline.

the Russian troublemaker who needs to find something better to do than stir the geopolitical pot to get attention.

people who keep thinking all the drugs keep coming from the southern border, which it does not.

the u-turn at 25th Street and U.S. 31.

the 82 vehicles who neglected to stop at the stop sign in Northbrook in the last four days.

politicians who reject despots a thousand miles away yet say nothing about one right on our border.

Happy Birthday to

Cathie Martin, from your family and Donna.

Katia Hatter, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

Alice Heck, from Allen, Lisa, Brian, Jenny, the Gates family, and the Morrow family.

Happy Belated Birthday to

Elise Whittington Hege, from your Bartholomew County friends and John Tinkey.