Richard Feldman: Special care for babies born addicted

By Dr. Richard Feldman
For The Republic

The opioid epidemic rages on and Indiana is one of the most highly affected states. Ruined lives and families and overdose deaths continue unabated. Regardless of what progress we may have made in this battle, we have a very long way to go.

There is a tragic aspect of this epidemic, rapidly increasing in prevalence, which does not garner the public attention compared to other facets of the opioid problem. This affects the youngest, most vulnerable, and innocent. Babies of addicted pregnant women are born opioid dependent and commonly experience Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome upon the abrupt discontinuation at birth of chronic fetal exposure to opioids.

Every 25 minutes in the U.S., a baby is born suffering from opioid withdrawal. Twenty percent of babies born in Indiana test positive for opioids. The withdrawal can be severe and prolonged. Neonates with NAS may withdraw for weeks in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit treated with repeated doses of methadone or morphine to wean them from their opioid dependence. Each hospitalization costs on the average $70,000 with some over $200,000. Newborns often experience distressingly intense withdrawal including inconsolable crying, hyperirritability, spasticity, seizures, tremors, fever, difficulty eating, excessive weight loss, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. The tragedy may continue into childhood with increased risk for emotional, behavioral, developmental, and visual problems.

But there is a new program available to hospitals that can greatly reduce both the baby’s suffering and length of hospitalization. The “Comfort Care” model utilizes three essential elements that comprise the name of the nationally available program: Eat, sleep, console. The program focuses on the baby’s function and comfort rather than on signs of withdrawal. Opioids are administered to the newborn only if absolutely necessary rather than routinely. Actually, the traditional treatment with repeated dosing of opioids only prolongs the hospitalization.

The program focuses on maternal involvement in the care of the newborn while supporting the mother’s emotional, social, and addiction issues. Infants are frequently assessed for withdrawal and functional status. Rooming-in with the infant is greatly encouraged, eliminating the NICU environment. Maternal education on these specialized approaches is essential. Hospital nursing and other personnel deliver care in a supportive, communicative, caring and nonjudgmental manner, setting the stage for maternal success.

Generous feedings are initiated proactively and early. Another goal is to have the newborn sleep comfortably, encouraging natural sleep patterns. Arousal of the newborn by caregivers in response to restlessness is avoided. Consoling is maximized utilizing specific positioning, swaddling, rocking, and other techniques including pacifier use. Soft music and singing to the infant are employed. Minimization of environmental stimuli including dimming lights, noise avoidance, slow and gentle handling, and bundling of exams, assessments, and other necessary interventions is critical.

I know all this is amazingly simple and commonsensible in concept, but using these techniques in a coordinated, consistent manner can make a big difference. Franciscan Health Indianapolis was the first Indiana hospital to implement this new approach in 2018. Hospital length of stays reduced from sometimes weeks to five to seven days. Babies rarely necessitate morphine. Now hospitals across Indiana are adopting this approach, but it is far from universal. The potential for cost savings to health plans, hospital systems, and Medicaid are enormous, in the millions of dollars.

Is your hospital utilizing this program?

Dr. Richard Feldman is an Indianapolis family physician 
and the former state health commissioner. Send 
comments to [email protected].