Letter: President should show more urgency in Ukraine

From: Don Strietelmeier


Does the Biden Administration want Ukraine to defeat the Russians in defending their country and their freedom from oppression?

The Ukrainians have lived under communist government control and they are fighting and dying trying to save their country and people from a Russian takeover. Over 4 million Ukrainians have gone to neighboring countries to escape the war.

So far the U.S. has provided about $2 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine. The U.S. left a sizeable amount of military equipment and supplies behind with the Taliban in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Every day there is more killing, dying and suffering as the cities are destroyed. President Biden should show some urgency. China is watching what the administration does or doesn’t do.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave the president a list of what they need. How will he respond?