Around Town – April 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

April 27

Orchids to

the Gray family, thanks for going the extra mile to help our son get his license. We appreciate your helpfulness.

North for allowing journalism students a platform for publishing a story about what domestic violence looks like for teens.

Carol in radiology for being so kind in helping me get to my car after my X-ray Thursday, from Marilyn.

the PAT area at CRH for the wonderful care while I was there Thursday, everyone was so helpful!

all those who helped rescue Kobe, the boxer, and return him home.

Onions to

not realizing the post office lobby stamp machine can sell you stamps anytime.

creating this imaginary property values just to get the city more money.

people thinking Jan. 6 was the worst day in American history.

those angry over Twitter’s sale who would rather it continue to hinder free speech rather than ignore posts and move on.

farmers who say solar would be so great.

the candidate sending weekly mailings that only contribute to our landfills and waste money.

politicians who lie to cover up the lie they just told.

Happy Birthday to

Cathy Schroer, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.