Around Town – May 4

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

May 4

Orchids to

the newspaper for the interesting article regarding the Hope gym fire.

the staff at Hope Veterinary Clinic for all the excellent care and services given to our beloved Mimi, from Paul and Leanna.

Onions to

wanting to raise taxes yet again claiming “little impact” who never heard of the phrase “death by a thousand cuts.”

politicians clamoring for the former federal leader’s endorsement, who encouraged his mob to attack the U.S. Capitol.

paying 75 cents a gallon total in taxes in a state run by a super majority party.

anyone believing a bunch of protestors without pitchforks, clubs and torches were a threat to our nation on Jan. 6.

the representative who received an endorsement from a person who incited an insurrection and wanted to hang his brother.

the representative who voted to not hold anyone responsible for the attack on our democracy.

worshiping false gods.

not remembering that George Washington, the Father of Our Country, wore dentures made of teeth taken from slaves.

the community that failed to take care of its own property and blames the organization who tried to help clean it up after the fact.

the community that failed to support the organization when it tried to raise money numerous times to save the gym.

the court’s leaked draft and what a destructive decision it means to women’s rights.

all the politicians and judges trying to take away a woman’s right to choose.

all the whitewashed pharisees trying to impose a sharia-type law on women depriving them of their freedom of choice.

whoever is responsible for our high property taxes, to go along with everything else: the pandemic and high inflation.

annoying drivers who choose not to turn right on red, but drivers who don’t stop for red lights are rude and dangerous.

Happy Birthday to

Jack Moffatt, from your family.