Around Town – July 16

Brownsville will use $19.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to build a fiber network, allowing for public-private partnerships to provide last-mile services, or connections to homes and businesses. The middle-mile infrastructure, which comes first, will create a minimum broadband capacity of 100 megabits citywide and is projected to be completed in 24 months, according to the city. (Photo courtesy of Pixabay)

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 16

Orchids to

the young woman mowing roadsides in Wayne Township for a job well done.

Beth, who showed true kindness in helping me with my purchase at Kroger.

United Way Emerging Leaders for hosting an Art/Carnival/pizza event for our shelter participants, from Turning Point.

Sunrise Rotary members, Lacretia, Jeff, Priscilla, Ginger, Lyn, Lori, John, Bob, and JoAnne for bundling thousands of shoe cards for our community outreach, from Turning Point.

Willow Leaves at Hope for the excellent food and service from the large group.

John Krull for another great column.

realizing if you don’t like your rights taken away, vote in a different direction.

John Krull for his column.

the editorial regarding care for the mentally ill, an excellent use of the multi-billion dollar surplus in the state coffers.

Steve and Ross from B&B Plumbing for a great job installing my water heater.

the gentleman and his two sons who paid for my wife’s and my dinner, greatly appreciated.

the paper for the cartoon on the opinion page, from Sheila.

your kindness for buying my breakfast at Bob Evans, very much appreciated.

Onions to

people oblivious that a lot of people drive drunk.

virtue signaling over qualifications.

the uncaring unvaccinated whose refusal to vaccinate has contributed to the comeback of COVID variants.

the elected official supporting the rape of a 10-year-old child by investigating those who cared for her health.

the federal elected official for impoverishing the average American due to his extremist policies.

the former federal executive for now saying the lady he cheated on was a wonderful person.

the state official who is a disgrace to Indiana.

gas stations selling gas at $4.60 a gallon when we can go to Taylorsville at $4.15 a gallon.

any company who advertises one thing and then does exactly the opposite.

the heartless and self-righteous state leader which should be remembered when it’s time to not elect him as governor.

Happy Birthday to

Scarlett Mischele Moore on your very first birthday. love Gigi and Pop-Pop Keith.

Happy Anniversary to

Ellis and Lola Taylor on No. 60.