Around Town – Aug. 24

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Aug. 24

Orchids to

George Merk for his hole-in-one Monday, from Matt, Laurel, and Andy.

all the churches that disinfect the pews during this COVID-19 season.

Bob Neimoeller for his hilarious 70th high school reunion letter.

Jenny Johnson for the photo of Mt. Etna in Sicily in Tuesday’s paper.

Onions to

protruding tree grates on Washington Street causing children and adults to fall.

the doctor dismissing the patient’s mother when she was asking questions and putting incorrect information in the chart.

the two kids hitting their dog while taking it on a walk.

the builder that shows a complete lack of respect for neighboring properties.

the former hotel site that is still a gravel pit.

whoever worked on all of the Lake Road culverts.

political party leaders lying to constituents saying the IRS is hiring armed agents to come to middle-income homes to audit them.

the cars that made a u-turn and ran the light at 25th and U.S. 31.

inept government for massive loss of American lives.

not recognizing the previous official was planning a dictatorship when he said that a free press is the enemy of the people.

Happy Birthday to

Lisa Cline, from your family and Donna.

Michelle Fortini, from your family and Donna.

Angel Walker, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.