Letter: Large-scale solar regulations should consider city gateways

From: Taffy Schroer


Growth, change and energy needs are inevitable, but it does need to be done responsibly. Currently our city and county officials are establishing zoning ordinance revisions for Commercial Solar Energy System (CSES) facilities. These decisions affect all of our county citizens. Page 8 of the City of Columbus Comprehensive Plan states “Development inside and outside the city limits affects the community as a whole.”

Looking at land zoning changes and how they affect all of Bartholomew County, of concern are the county approaches or gateways into Columbus. Currently there are CSES signed land lease options that lie within our city approaches and within the 2-mile jurisdiction, specifically along East 25th Street and State Street, making solar fields with 6-foot fences possible for our east side city gateways. As growth continues, these city approaches and all of Columbus’ gateways are in need of protection.

The City of Columbus Comprehensive Plan Policy J-2-1 says an economic development goal is to “Maintain and enhance the safety and attractiveness of the entrances to the city.” Also on page 29 it states, “The entrances to the city create the first impression of Columbus … they should be attractive”. Policy J-3-1 adds: “Limit the growth of industrial activity to the areas most suited for this use … .” The industrial growth of Commercial Solar Energy System facilities are most suited for industrial areas, not along our city gateways.

The Comprehensive Plan written policies should be applied as new facilities are considered since “development occurs inside and outside the city limits” and should be of concern to all of our city and county residents as development “affects our community as a whole”.

Our County Commissioners and Board of Zoning Appeals are currently deciding the contents of a Revised Zoning Ordinance. Now is the time and opportunity to address restrictions for Commercial Solar Energy Systems along all of Columbus’ gateway entrances.