Athletes of the Week

Josie Havenaar


Josie Havenaar // Columbus East senior swimmer

Havenaar won the 100-yard freestyle in 1 minute, 0.38-second and the 100 breaststroke in 1:19.61 to lead the Olympians to a 105-76 victory against Bedford North Lawrence.

Her performance last week: “It was good to get some good swims in after being sick, and it was a good way to come back from break. It felt really good.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I kind of go through my races in my head and just think about every part.”

Favorite drink: “Sweet tea”

Favorite food: “Sushi”

Favorite class: “Math”

Favorite sports team: “Michigan State”

Favorite athlete: “Lilly King”

Role model: “My mom (Nicole Havenaar). She’s always there for me and pushing me to do my best.”

Best advice: “Have confidence in yourself because you’ll have your best performance if you’re confident.’”

Athletics goal: “I want to go sub 1-minute in my 100 freestyle.”

If you could travel anywhere: “I would go somewhere in Europe just because it’s super scenic.”


Jacob Scruggs // South Decatur junior basketball player

Jacob Scruggs

Scruggs led the Cougars with 32 points and four assists in Friday’s 68-64 loss at Southwestern (Hanover) and with 25 points and five assists in Saturday’s 75-58 win against Edinburgh.

His performance last week: “I thought it was a good performance, but I have a lot I need to work on. We definitely did what we needed to do against Edinburgh, especially coming off of a loss in Friday’s game. Friday’s game, we just got down in the first half, and it was tough to come back. I just want to thank my coaches and my teammates because we push each other to be the best that we can be.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “During the national anthem, I always say a prayer, thanking God for the opportunity to play. We always say a prayer together as a team.”

Favorite drink: “Lemonade”

Favorite food: “Chicken wings”

Favorite class: “Spanish”

Favorite sports team: “Kentucky”

Favorite athlete: “Kyrie Irving”

Role model: “My biggest role model is Jesus.”

Best advice: “Anything you go through in life, just keep focused on God and give him the glory for everything.”

Athletics goal: “I want to play Division I.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Probably to Jerusalem just to see the historical site where Jesus was and all that happened there.”