Republican Trump ‘base’must choose new candidate

Who are the “base” that support Donald Trump?

I’m sorry, but whenever I get passionate about something, I have to speak up, or wait until someone else does, but, to date, I haven’t seen enough written about the so-called “base” that continue to support Trump.

I would like to know who this “base” is; what they do; where they come from, and, most importantly, what their IQs are. It is beyond my comprehension, as a lifelong Republican, that anyone could still support Donald Trump for president of the United States! Regardless of his latest indictments, or his reckless and irresponsible actions concerning the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol of the United States, it is indisputable that he is a liar (30,573 times per the Washington Post; 23,000+ per; but a mere 1,064 by the Toronto Star).

So, whatever figure you come up with, how many lies does the “base” care about? Do they care that they can’t trust anything he says as long as it supports his actions? I believe a psychologist would call this person a “narcissist” — a person with “inflated self-importance, lack of empathy, seeing things only from their perspective, having difficulty understanding the importance of social norms, ethics and laws, rather than interpreting them as limitation in their own lives.” This definition sounded like a perfect definition for Donald Trump’s personality when I read it!

I assume the “base” doesn’t care if the president of the United States is a narcissist, but according to the definition I read, I would contend this personality disorder could be highly dangerous as a leader of the free world, because, as the explanation of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) continues, “They expect life to work according to their understanding.

“Underneath, they can be quite fragile because of the confusion their misconception brings. The sense of being ‘wounded’ can result in extreme rage in some people with NPD. Others may project problems in their lives onto others.”

Please, if you are a member of the “base,” reconsider your support of Donald Trump! There’s still plenty of time to support another Republican candidate! And, I believe there are some other excellent choices!

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].