Bartholomew County Public Library: Board approves naming policy

Stephen W. Suckow

The Bartholomew County Public Library will soon consider a proposal to recognize a longtime library director who died earlier this year.

The library’s board of trustees voted Monday to approve a “Naming and Name Recognition Policy,” with library director Jason Hatton stating that he plans to bring a proposal at next month’s meeting to honor the late Steve Suckow, who died in January and served as library director from 1967 to 2003.

“Put frankly, the library would not be what it is today without Steve,” Hatton said in a social media post shortly after Suckow’s death. “He built the foundation that we get to benefit from today.”

Suckow’s work included leading the library through the construction of the Columbus branch’s current building and an addition built in 1986.

While Hatton has not yet settled on what to name for Suckow, he mentioned that one possibility is the library’s atrium, as it was the biggest piece of the addition.

The naming policy approved by the board is intended to guide this type of decision, he said.

The policy states that library facilities are typically named in accordance with their geographical location or functions.

“However, BCPL also allows for naming rights and name recognition opportunities, in accordance with the guidelines outlined below, when there is a strong community desire for a specific name for a facility or when the Library Board desires to honor an individual, foundation, or corporation for outstanding service contributions that are consistent with the nature and mission of the library,” the policy states.

For instance, the Columbus branch is also known as the Cleo Rogers Memorial Library in recognition of longtime library director Cleo Rogers.

Such an honorarium may also be considered for an individual who has provided significant service to the community at large, the policy states.

Additionally, a naming opportunity may be offered to an individual, foundation, organization or corporation in recognition of a significant contribution to support library facilities.

Naming opportunities include but are not limited to library facilities, specific portions of facilities, mobile service vehicles, self-service structures placed throughout the community, technology enhancements, fixtures, furnishings, equipment or “any other items that commemorate a gift.”

The board of trustees has the sole responsibility to make decisions around naming, renaming or removing names from various library assets. The library director is responsible for deciding how to recognize approved names through means such as plaques and signage.

The policy states that there are some entities that are generally not eligible for naming opportunities.

“Unless waived by the Library Board of Trustees, any library facilities, parts of facilities/and or properties, programs, equipment, collections, and/or other library services shall not be named for: political candidates, elected officials, religious organizations or institutions,” the policy states.

The document adds that library officials shall undertake “additional due diligence” before recommending naming opportunities that involve a commercial enterprise.

Furthermore, naming rights for library buildings are reserved for individuals only. Library buildings will not be named for corporations, commercial enterprises, religious entities or other organizations.

Naming rights will continue for library facilities, areas and properties as long as each exists without “significant updates or changes to its specified use,” the policy states. For all other naming opportunities, recognition will remain in place for five years or for the useful life of the item, whichever is shorter.

The policy also contains a section on conditions for rescinding a naming agreement.

“Naming recognition is provided to individuals, families and entities that exemplify the attributes of integrity and civic leadership,” the policy states. “If an individual or entity for which a naming commitment has been made violates these standards, the library may elect to remove the individual, family, or entity’s name from the naming opportunity.”

A naming decision authorized by the library board can only be revoked by a vote of the board. Prior to taking that action, the library shall consider possible legal ramifications of the proposed change.