Canines and Cocktails set at Hotel Indigo

Tripp is the in-house pooch at Hotel Indigo in Columbus.

No matter the temperature, much of the crowd on the Hotel Indigo patio at 500 Brown St. will be wearing coats on July 27.

But most of the warmth will emanate from the boundless love of man’s best friend: dogs.

Such will be the scene from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. next week at Canines & Cocktails, the monthly, casual, outdoor warmer weather gathering for pooches and their people at the downtown Columbus venue. The events featuring food and drink specials for both man and beast have been popular for several years now.

And they’re hosted by the uber-popular Tripp, the Bichon Frise serving as the hotel’s live-in ambassador and gregarious greeter, complete with his own email address, since November 2021. Before him, Miles, the hotel’s original Bichon Frise ambassador, served as the happy host and became a celebrity of sorts with friends nationwide.

Tripp is pampered enough that he gets a weekly spa day.

Water and treats are made available for all his four-legged visitors.

And often, the patio is full at some point in the evening. In the past, that could include as many as 50 people (we’re uncertain if that attendance figure ever includes the dogs as “people”).

Rain cancels the event, but organizers usually delay that decision until just before the start time, according to hotel staff.

Proceeds from the get-together serve as a fundraiser for Tripp’s charities, which are a variety of animal-related causes.