Around Town – Aug. 19

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Aug. 19

Orchids to

the city for making it safer to bike around. Especially on school routes!

whoever paid for our breakfast last Sunday at Waffle House, so kind and much appreciated.

Onions to

the column writer’s apology with an attitude.

the state representative who never showed remorse or sincerely apologized for his drunken behavior until faced with an election challenger.

local car dealerships that take your money without fixing your car.

triathlon participants who block driveways.

election cycle referendums giving top heavy administrators six figure salaries and things that have nothing to do with teaching children.

refusing to see the danger to our democracy and society in every action and statement made by the former federal elected official.

thinking that holding criminal politicians accountable is “politicizing” justice.

all the fear mongers from the news and social media, through it all we still have it pretty good.

having to create word salad descriptions to get people to buy into your egalitarian snake oil.

the comical article written by the state representative.

America that can’t even take care of their own people.

the woman who perjured herself under law and gave two restraining orders out that were bogus.

the elected official who violated federal regulations by using false names in his correspondence.

the city for not inviting the crossing guards to the city employee picnic.

Happy Birthday to

Presley Hoene on No. 1, from Great-grandma Tricia Lee and Great-uncle Mikel Lee.

Mason Grider, from your family and Donna.

Marjorie Schmeckebier, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

Karen Probst, from your friends and family.