Looking Back, Aug. 29

Jacob Ritter, 11, of Columbus got a boost from Big Brother Mike Shirer of Columbus during the Big Brothers/Big Sisters pool party sponsored by Evening Kiwanis Club at Donner pool in 1998.

From The Republic archives

Aug. 29


Columbus city officials proposed new street striping and markings called “sharrow” symbols on two streets near Schmitt Elementary, Northside Middle and Columbus North High schools to slow traffic and raise awareness of bicyclists.


After almost three years of redesigns and missed deadlines, Kerasotes Theaters again postponed until 1999 the construction and opening of a new multi-screen theater complex to be built on Creekview Drive off 10th Street and Marr Road.


The congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 80 members at a time, harvested more than 100,000 pounds of potatoes they planted in a field near Azalia in the spring to help members needing welfare assistance and also to raise money for church improvements.