Hauser, Jennings middle school soccer teams play

The Hauser Junior High co-ed soccer team squeaked out a 5-4 win against the Jennings County girls on Wednesday.

Phillipe Eugene led the Jets with four goals and one assist. Caleb Stuckey scored one goal, and Joe Gibson had an assist. Tony Telez recorded five saves.

Sofia Lazcano and Mookchomphu Ratcliff each scored two goals for the Panthers. Whitney Barber, Ratcliff and Alyssa Russelburg had assists. Annabelle Littiken posted three saves, and Kelsi Ledbetter added one save.

Hauser (1-3-1) came back with a 9-0 loss against South Dearborn on Thursday. Telez recorded six saves in the first half, and Luke Raisor had 10 saves in the second half.

The Jennings girls had fallen Madison 9-3 on Monday. Delaynee Ritz scored all three goals. Lazcano, Ratcliff and Alyssa Russelburg had assists. Littiken recored four saves, and Ledbetter added one save.

Meanwhile, the Jennings County Middle School boys fell to Madison 4-3 on Monday and Greensburg 7-1 on Wednesday.

Quelvin Velasquez Funes and Kaleb McIntosh scored goals against Madison. Barrett Stoner posted six saves.

McIntosh scored the goal fort he Panthers (2-2) against Greensburg. Stoner recorded seven saves.