Looking Back, Sept. 11, 2023

Andy Osburn, left, Aaron Homoya, Weiwu Li and Gene McNay, four of more than 200 volunteers, shoveled mulch onto planting beds at Foundation for Youth during the first annual Day of Action for the United Way of Bartholomew County in 2013.

From The Republic archives

Sept. 11


All full-time, part-time and seasonable city workers got a 2 percent pay raise for the coming year with a few specific city officials receiving up to 7 percent more to bring them in line with comparable positions.


After being soaked by more than 21 inches of rain in June, July and early August, Columbus residents saw only a fraction of an inch fall since Aug. 10.


Construction started on the Hacienda restaurant and tavern on the north side of Garden City, owned by William and Mary Lou Decker, former owners of Lou La Bill’s Tavern on Third Street.