Athletes of the Week

Asher Ratliff


Asher Ratliff // Columbus North sophomore football player

Ratliff carried 11 times for 100 yards and a touchdown and completed 9 of 20 passes for 115 yards and four scores Friday to lead the Bull Dogs to a 35-0 win at Terre Haute North.

His performance last week: “We had a lot of scores, but our defense gave us good field position all day and we just executed well. We were just spreading the ball around. Everyone did their job, and when that happens, things work out well.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I try to focus on schoolwork and get through school and keep my mind off (football), and then on the way on the bus, I just read a book.”

Favorite drink: “Cream Soda”

Favorite food: “Sushi”

Favorite class: “Biomed”

Favorite sports team: “Indianapolis Colts and Penn State”

Favorite athlete: “Peyton Manning”

Role model: “My dad (Justin Ratliff). He’s a hard worker and does a lot for our youth and is a very Christian man.”

Best advice: “Don’t take anything for granted. Not everyone gets to do these things. Just be grateful for the gifts you’ve been given.”

Athletics goal: “I would like to be a college athlete, whether that’s in football or wrestling. Then, I want to win a state championship here and win a state wrestling championship individually.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Greece, just because I think it’s beautiful, and I love the history and architecture there.”


Erin Hopkins // Columbus North junior golfer

Erin Hopkins

Hopkins finished second individually with a 78 to lead the Bull Dogs to a fourth-place team finish in the Bloomington North Sectional at Cascades. She shot 87 in Saturday’s Franklin Regional at The Legends.

Her performance last week: “I was really pleased with my sectional performance, and my regional performance wasn’t as great. I didn’t shoot the score I wanted, but I think it was an important experience to have, and I can take a lot from it to work on it this offseason.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I mainly just try to work some things out on the range if I’m not hitting the ball well, and I work on my putting a lot leading up to a match.”

Favorite drink: “Sprite”

Favorite food: “Spaghetti”

Favorite class: “AP US History”

Favorite sports team: “Dallas Cowboys”

Favorite athlete: “(Pro golfers) Nelly Korda or Lexi Thompson”

Role model: “My coach, Scott Seavers”

Best advice: “For golf, probably just taking it one shot at a time and not putting too much pressure on yourself.”

Athletics goal: “For next season, it will be to get to state, whether it’s as a team or individually, and I hope to play in college.”

If you could travel anywhere: “I would like to go to Texas to visit family and play a bunch of golf.”