City’s first disc golf course officially finished at Donner Park

From left, Columbus Disc Golf Club vice-chairman Brian Jones and recreational manager Jacob Hendricks of Columbus Parks and Recreation speak during the ceremony of the disc golf course at Donner Park on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023.

James Pence | The Republic

Residents and even visitors of Columbus can have another activity to enjoy.

The city introduced a brand new disc golf course in Donner Park. On Wednesday, it was officially open for business with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Instead of the traditional ribbon-cutting, disc golfers lined up along the first tee and all threw discs simultaneously. It marks the first public disc golf course in the city.

Recreational Manager of Parks and Recreation Jacob Hendricks said during the ceremony that when he was hired in 2019, one of the first things mentioned to him was having a disc golf course. It took several years in the making, and now it is open for use to the public.

The 9-hole course is within the park, with the first tee box on the southeast end. There are two tee markers on each hole, with one designated as the long tee and the other the short tee. There are 10 baskets, with nine of them on each hole and the other as a practice basket. There are signs and concrete pads at each hole on the course.

Pictured is the short course tee box on the first hole at the new disc golf course at Donner Park in Columbus on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023.

James Pence | The Republic

No matter a person’s age, experience or knowledge of disc golf, it is meant to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

“This is our first public course in Columbus, and it won’t be the last, as there is more to come,” Columbus Disc Golf Club vice-chairman Brian Jones said.