UPDATE: Shutdown averted as Biden signs seven-week spending bill

This image from U.S. Senate video shows the vote total, 88-9, on a temporary funding bill in the Senate at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023. The threat of a federal government shutdown ended late Saturday, hours before a midnight deadline, as Congress approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open and sent the measure to President Joe Biden to sign. (Senate Television via AP)

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden signed a short-term spending bill to avert a partial government shutdown starting Sunday after a dramatic turn of events Saturday that saw the House quickly pivot to bipartisanship.

Hours before the midnight deadline, the Senate voted 88-9 to clear the House-passed, 48-day funding patch, which generally mirrors the Senate version except for one major omission: There’s no military or economic aid for Ukraine, unlike the Senate bill, which had $6 billion.

Democrats grumbled about that and called on the House to bring a separate Ukraine aid bill to the floor. But ultimately there was no stomach to allow a government shutdown over the lack of Ukraine money, which lawmakers on both sides of the aisle said would be forthcoming in a separate package.

“Democrats and Republicans have come to an agreement and the government will remain open. We will have avoided a shutdown,” Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., before the final roll call vote.

The House passed the bill earlier on a 335-91 vote, drawing critical backing from some Democrats who just hours earlier had criticized the bill and how quickly GOP leaders were trying to push it through.

In the Senate, lawmakers all morning had been waiting for the smoke signal from their colleagues across the Capitol. Republicans in the Senate had been stalling for time to see the outcome of the House vote on the package. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said his GOP colleagues would oppose cloture on the Senate version because “there may be a bipartisan agreement coming from the House.”

With that bipartisan agreement en route, a partial government shutdown that many lawmakers thought a fait accompli starting at midnight suddenly seemed likely to be avoided.

“We’re going to finish tonight,” Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., said after the House vote as she was heading in to the office of Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D.

A White House official suggested Biden was likely to sign the measure, pointing out the House-backed continuing resolution would not cut spending, has no restrictive border policies and contains important disaster aid and other provisions. The official also said the White House expects a follow-on Ukraine aid bill to pass in both chambers.

Senate Democrats met Saturday afternoon to discuss next steps, but all signs pointed toward acceptance of the package after the lopsided House vote.

“I’m just happy cooler heads are prevailing and we’ll have no shutdown,” Sen. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., said after the House vote.

Still, objections over the lack of funding for Ukraine led at least one senator, Michael Bennet, D-Colo., to hold up the package instead of allowing swift passage Saturday night. Ultimately Bennet dropped his objection after receiving a commitment that a separate Ukraine aid bill would be forthcoming.

“I think it was really, really important to send a signal to the world that we’re going to continue to work in a bipartisan way to get Ukraine the funds that it needs,” Bennet said before heading into the chamber to cast his vote for the bill.

Schumer and McConnell each said before the final vote that Congress ultimately would take care of Ukraine.

“Most Senate Republicans remain committed to helping our friends on the front lines,” McConnell said. “I’m confident the Senate will pass further urgent assistance to Ukraine later this year.”

The Senate “no” votes on final passage were all Republicans: Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, both from Tennessee; Mike Braun of Indiana; Ted Cruz of Texas; Mike Lee of Utah; Eric Schmitt of Missouri; J.D. Vance of Ohio; and Roger Marshall of Kansas.

The difference a day makes

The bipartisan House measure marks a sharp turnaround from 24 hours earlier, when a very partisan and conservative House stopgap measure, with nearly 30% cuts to most domestic programs and tough border restrictions, went down to defeat.

No Democrats supported it and 21 Republicans opposed it as well − which was the last straw for Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and his allies, who realized there was no way some of their members would vote to keep the government open.

“Today wasn’t the choice we wanted to have. We tried to pass the most conservative stopgap measure possible,” McCarthy told reporters after the vote. “Unfortunately we didn’t have 218 Republicans that would vote for it.”

The latest House stopgap bill passed with the support of 126 Republicans, while 90 GOP lawmakers voted “no.” Only one Democrat, Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., opposed it, over the omission of Ukraine aid. Quigley is co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who’s been threatening a motion to oust McCarthy if he brings a bipartisan stopgap bill to the floor, didn’t get the chance on Saturday.

After House passage, Rep. Stephanie Bice, R-Okla., quickly moved to adjourn the chamber, and Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., the presiding officer, banged the gavel before Gaetz could offer the motion to vacate. That move closed up the House until Monday, which is the earliest Gaetz could make his move.

With the House gaveled out, senators had little choice but take up the House version to avoid a shutdown.

The House moved quickly earlier Saturday to take up the 71-page bill, introduced shortly before floor debate began.

The apparent move by McCarthy to ignore critics in his conference who’ve threatened to try to oust him surprised Democrats, who stalled for time to discuss the measure in a closed-door meeting by calling for a vote on a motion to adjourn.

In comments to reporters before the vote, McCarthy basically dared his critics to try to remove him as speaker.

“You know what, if I have to risk my job for standing up for the American public, I will do that,” he said.

After the House vote, Minority Whip Katherine M. Clark, D-Mass., told reporters that McCarthy had simply caved.

“Today, Democrats came to the rescue. Speaker McCarthy admitted defeat and asked Democrats to put out the fire that he and his party had started,” Clark said.

Pay raise block added

The legislation, unveiled shortly after a 90-minute House GOP meeting Saturday morning, largely mirrors the continuing resolution that the Senate is considering.

The turn of events in the House had Senate Republicans reevaluating their options, and they stalled for their own time in a closed-door meeting. Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., earlier called a vote to instruct the sergeant-at-arms to round up missing senators and get them to the floor for the cloture vote. Later, Schumer moved to recess the Senate and postponed the vote.

The House bill contains $10 billion extra for disaster relief, for a total of $16 billion, matching the White House request. It’s got another major difference from the Senate version: no money to support Ukraine in its battle against Russia, nor does it have an extension for expiring Ukrainian refugee benefits.

“The appeasement strategy of the far right does not have majority support in this body,” House Appropriations ranking member Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., said in opposition to the bill during floor debate. She inserted into the record a letter from Undersecretary of Defense Michael McCord to lawmakers saying that the Pentagon has no more money to train Ukrainian solders and just $1.6 billion left to replenish stocks of U.S. weapons and equipment sent to Ukraine.

Democrats also blasted the measure for initially omitting the annual statutory provision blocking a pay raise for lawmakers, though Republicans pointed out they will have a chance to debate that provision next week, when the Legislative Branch spending bill is expected to go to the floor.

Republicans must have had a change of heart after hearing concerns, however. After debate on the stopgap bill resumed Saturday, Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Mark Amodei, R-Nev., said Republicans would fix it to “include the Senate’s genius language” blocking the member pay raise. The House then agreed by unanimous consent to add the Senate provision to the bill.

The House bill also drops some “anomalies” from the Senate version that would allow higher funding rates for pandemic preparedness and federal student aid administration. DeLauro’s staff circulated a memo highlighting differences with the Senate version in the House’s “not so clean” CR.

But it also mirrors Senate provisions that would extend the expiring Federal Aviation Administration authorization through Dec. 31 and extend authorizations for the National Flood Insurance Program and community health centers through the CR’s duration, all provisions popular with Democrats. And there are no cuts to current funding levels during the stopgap period.

DeLauro ultimately backed the bill, as did most Democrats.

Conflicted Democrats

House Democrats had earlier seemed conflicted on the measure. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and Clark raced to the floor to call for a time-out, saying their request for 90 minutes to read the bill had been denied.

“We have serious trust issues,” Clark said, instead offering a motion to adjourn. Then Democrats went behind closed doors to meet.

Part of the House Democrats’ effort to buy time: seeing what happens in the Senate with that chamber’s previously scheduled cloture vote.

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster, D-N.H., earlier said Democrats wanted to see if the Senate vote would give their side leverage to insist on Ukraine funding being attached. She said there’s “quite a bit of interest” among House Democrats in the GOP-drafted bill, if it was truly a clean extension of fiscal 2023 funding and included authorizations.

“Already, we know of some things that are not the same,” Kuster said. “Look, we do our homework. Give us a few minutes, let us look it through, but there’s nobody in our caucus that wants to shut down.”

After Democrats’ meeting broke and the motion to adjourn was rejected, Jeffries took to the floor and launched into a “magic minute” speech — a privilege afforded party leaders to speak as long as they want, well beyond one minute. There was even an incident involving a pulled fire alarm, which some attributed to dilatory tactics — an accusation the perpetrator, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., denied.

In the Senate, the emergence of McCarthy’s new plan appeared to be strengthening GOP resolve to oppose moving ahead with that chamber’s existing bill. That measure already faced a bloc of Republican opposition due to Ukraine aid, and then an effort to negotiate a border security package they favor stalled on Friday.

Senate Republicans were meeting behind closed doors before their cloture vote and while the drama was playing out in the House. GOP senators were generally expressing support for the House bill on Saturday, even Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, typically a hawk on funding the Ukraine war effort.

Graham said Ukraine can “make it six weeks” without additional aid, lining up roughly with the Nov. 17 end date on the CR. He said a separate border security and Ukraine package could be considered once the stopgap is passed.

“The House has made it pretty clear that Ukraine is just a nonstarter over there, so I hope the Senate understands that as well,” Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said.

Sen. Markwayne Mullin, an Oklahoma Republican, said if Schumer chooses not to bring up the House bill, then any shutdown that ensues would be the Democrats’ responsibility.

“If he doesn’t do it, then we have a Schumer shutdown, not a McCarthy shutdown,” Mullin said.

Turning the page

One thing became clear Saturday morning: McCarthy and most House Republicans were ready to avoid a shutdown and move on.

Some House Republicans left their morning meeting believing McCarthy had no choice but to turn to a CR that Democrats would support since there’s still a solid GOP bloc that won’t vote for any stopgap bill.

“The cast of characters that still have personality issues with the speaker who would rather I think in some cases tear the country down than try to move forward and give him a success, I think is sad,” Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., said after the meeting. “But you know what, you can’t have a few people just tear down the whole country.”


(Aidan Quigley, Niels Lesniewski and Paul M. Krawzak contributed to this report.)


WASHINGTON (AP) — The threat of a federal government shutdown ended late Saturday, hours before a midnight deadline, as Congress approved a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open and sent the measure to President Joe Biden to sign.

The rushed package drops aid to Ukraine, a White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP lawmakers, but increases federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, meeting Biden’s full request. The bill funds government until Nov. 17.

After whirlwind days of turmoil in the House, Speaker Kevin McCarthy suddenly abandoned demands for steep spending cuts from his right flank and instead relied on Democrats to pass the bill, at risk to his own job. The Senate followed with final passage.

“We’re going to do our job,” McCarthy, R-Calif., said before the House vote. “We’re going to be adults in the room. And we’re going to keep government open.”

It’s been a head-spinning turn of events in Congress after days of House chaos pushed the government to the brink of a disruptive federal shutdown.

The outcome ends, for now, the threat of a shutdown. If no deal was in place before Sunday, federal workers would have faced furloughs, more than 2 million active-duty and reserve military troops would have had to work without pay and programs and services that Americans rely on from coast to coast would have begun to face shutdown disruptions.

“Americans can breathe a sigh of relief,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The package funds government at current 2023 levels until mid-November, setting up another potential crisis if they fail to more fully fund government by then. The package was approved by the House 335-91, with most Republicans and almost all Democrats supporting. Senate passage came by an 88-9 vote.

But the loss of Ukraine aid was devastating for lawmakers of both parties vowing to support President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after his recent Washington visit. The Senate bill included $6 billion for Ukraine, and both chambers came to a standstill Saturday as lawmakers assessed their options.

“The American people deserve better,” said House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, warning in a lengthy floor speech that “extreme” Republicans were risking a shutdown.

For the House package to be approved, McCarthy, R-Calif., was forced to rely on Democrats because the speaker’s hard-right flank has said it will oppose any short-term funding measure, denying him the votes needed from his slim majority. It’s a move that risks his job amid calls for his ouster.

After leaving his right-flank behind, McCarthy is almost certain to be facing a motion to try to remove from office, though it is not at all certain there would be enough votes to topple the speaker. Most Republicans voted for the package Saturday while 90 opposed.

“If somebody wants to remove me because I want to be the adult in the room, go ahead and try,” McCarthy said of the threat to oust him. “But I think this country is too important.”

The White House was tracking the developments on Capitol Hill and aides were briefing the president, who was spending the weekend in Washington.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who has championed Ukraine aid despite resistance from his own ranks, is expected to keep pursuing U.S. support for Kyiv in the fight against Russia.

“I have agreed to keep fighting for more economic and security aid for Ukraine,” McConnell, R-Ky., said before the vote.

The House’s quick pivot comes after the collapse Friday of McCarthy’s earlier plan to pass a Republican-only bill with steep spending cuts up to 30% to most government agencies that the White House and Democrats rejected as too extreme.

“Our options are slipping away every minute,” said one senior Republican, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida.

The federal government was heading straight into a shutdown that posed grave uncertainty for federal workers in states all across America and the people who depend on them — from troops to border control agents to office workers, scientists and others.

Families that rely on Head Start for children, food benefits and countless other programs large and small were confronting potential interruptions or outright closures. At the airports, Transportation Security Administration officers and air traffic controllers are expected to work without pay, but travelers could face delays in updating their U.S. passports or other travel documents.

An earlier McCarthy plan to keep the government open collapsed Friday due to opposition from a faction of 21 hard-right holdouts despite steep spending cuts of nearly 30% to many agencies and severe border security provisions.

The White House has brushed aside McCarthy’s overtures to meet with Biden after the speaker walked away from the debt deal they brokered earlier this year that set budget levels.

Catering to his hard-right flank, McCarthy had made multiple concessions including returning to the spending limits the conservatives demanded back in January as part of the deal-making to help him become the House speaker.

But it was not enough as the right flank insisted the House follow regular rules, and debate and approve each of the 12 separate spending bills needed to fund the government agencies, typically a months-long process.

McCarthy’s chief Republican critic, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, has warned he will file a motion calling a vote to oust the speaker.

Some of the Republican holdouts, including Gaetz, are allies of former President Donald Trump, who is Biden’s chief rival in the 2024 race. Trump has been encouraging the Republicans to fight hard for their priorities and even to “shut it down.”

At an early closed-door meeting at the Capitol, several House Republicans, particularly those facing tough reelections next year, urged their colleagues to find a way to prevent a shutdown.

“All of us have a responsibility to lead and to govern,” said Republican Rep. Mike Lawler of New York.

The lone House Democrat to vote against the package, Rep. Mike Quigley of Illinois, the co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, called it a victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin and “Putin-sympathizers everywhere.” He said, “Protecting Ukraine is in our national interest.”


Associated Press writers Colleen Long and Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.