Scholarships awarded at Youth Leadership Day


Twenty high school students were awarded $12,000 scholarships at a recent event focused on growing young leaders.

Youth Leadership Bartholomew County held its annual Youth Leadership Day at The Commons on Sept. 25 with 153 students taking part in the event, said YLBC committee member Pam Voelz.

According to a release, awards were based on students’ performance in three areas: essay writing, resume development and a professional interview. Ruth Federle from Columbus East High School and Ajay Singireddy from Columbus North received $3,000 each for earning the highest point totals across all three categories.

The other awardees were as follows:

Top 10 essay winners ($300 each)

  • Evie Hipwood, North
  • Manya Suresh, North
  • Ella Gray Partin, North
  • Ruth Federle, East
  • Layla Subramanian, North
  • Carter Gant, East
  • Paige Hatter, North
  • Madison Valentine, East
  • Megan Ives, North
  • Henry Ulrich, East

Top 10 resume winners ($300 each)

  • Frankie Polyak, North
  • Ruth Federle, East
  • Jack Cooper, North
  • Kira VanValkenburg, East
  • Manya Suresh, North
  • Siddhant Jain, North
  • Ajay Singireddy, North
  • Manasi Indalkar, North
  • Amritanshu Kar, North
  • Austin Clark, North

In addition to the announcement of awards, Youth Leadership Day also included leadership workshops led by Rick Weinheinmer from Everyday Excellence and motivational comedian Kevin Wanzer.

Parents attended an afternoon reception, which included photo displays with bios and information about each youth leader’s achievements and future plans. Josh Fletcher, a mentalist from the Kentucky area, presented the keynote address.

Each student received a certificate of completion, as well as a YLBC-themed cookie made by youth leader Caylyn Pruitt.

“For more than 40 years, Youth Leadership Bartholomew County has recognized thousands of local high school seniors for their leadership skills, high school accomplishments and their community service,” the program’s website states.