Downtown Association releases parking survey

The Downtown Association has released a “Customer Parking Survey” in an effort to get community members’ thoughts about downtown parking and activation.

Christopher Bartels, a Republican running for Columbus City Council, has shared a link to the survey on the Facebook page for his campaign. Diane Robbins, president of the Downtown Association, said that many downtown merchants plan to share the survey on their social media as well.

“There have been conversations for many years regarding downtown parking,” she said, “and we thought it would be beneficial to have some data from community members and get their input about their preferences for decisions that are made regarding parking.”

The survey is made up of four questions:

  • How often do you visit downtown and use public parking?
  • What would encourage you to come downtown more?
  • What deters/discourages you from coming downtown?
  • Would metered parking spots deter you from coming downtown?

Robbins said that they’re hoping to receive input from “a very broad spectrum of individuals,” including people who go downtown and those who don’t.

“We really are going just to gather some data that we can share with the (Columbus) Parking Commission as decisions are being made about future parking options,” she said.

Robbins added that the results of the survey, particularly in regards to how to draw people downtown, may also be useful for the new Office of Downtown Development.

She is not sure how long the survey will remain open, though she expects it will at least be through the month of October.

Where to learn more

Christopher Bartels, a Republican running for Columbus City Council, has shared a link to the survey on the Facebook page for his campaign. Diane Robbins, president of the Downtown Association, said that many downtown merchants plan to share the survey on their social media as well.