Reverse raffle raises $152,200 to support lower-income uninsured and underinsured in Bartholomew County

Carla Clark | For The Republic The reverse raffle begins during the Columbus Regional Health Foundation CARE-NIVAL 28th annual reverse raffle to benefit VIMCare clinic in Columbus, Ind., Friday, September, 29, 2023.

Added restrictions in state gaming laws caused the total fundraising for the annual Columbus Regional Health Foundation Reverse Raffle to dip slightly compared to past years. But organizers still label a gross amount of $152,200 a sizable success.

A net amount will be available later. The record net is $180,000.

Rebekah Walsh, director of volunteer services and annual fundraising at Columbus Regional Health, said that she and others still are gushing with gratitude over the support for the dinner-and-music event that unfolded Friday at the Columbus Regional Health Technical Center on Central Avenue under the the “Care-nival.”

All proceeds go to supporting the lower-income uninsured and underinsured in Bartholomew County. About 225 people attended the gathering.

“We realize that there were a lot of other activities going on over the weekend,” Walsh said.

State gaming laws now restrict the selling of raffle tickets online or via computer or phone apps as the foundation has successfully done in the past for its $10,000 top prize. Janet Ibarra won the money.

The reverse raffle is the largest single fundraiser for the VIMCare Clinic and normally constitutes about one-third of the budget. Walsh said the eventual net total probably will provide about one-fourth of the budget this time.

The clinic’s services include acute primary care such as ear infections and strep throat; annual physicals and sports physicals; chronic care management such as high blood pressure and diabetes; behavioral health; lifestyle and education programs; and medication assistance.

The clinic’s vision statements remains the same as when it first opened:

“We welcome those in need — to come without fear,

And we invite those who serve, to come without pride,

So that their meeting may bring healing and hope to both.”