Letter: Vote Eric Riddle for City Council District 5

From: Julie Lowe


I met Eric Riddle for the first time at Donuts and Coffee in 2017 so we could talk about our common interests, pollinators and native plants. Members of the Sierra Club local Winding Waters Group joined me in attending public meetings presented by Eric so that we could learn more about a proposed 2008 flood memorial park on Pleasant Grove Street near the Cummins Tech Center.

We quickly became friends and Eric joined the Winding Waters Group executive committee and remains an elected member and holds the office of secretary. When Eric chose the slogan, “Listen. Learn. Lead.” for his campaign, I thought it was the perfect fit for his style of leadership. He is very good at developing innovative ideas and listening to others to further shape and implement new projects. He is the model of a team player who helps his team reach shared goals together.

In the six years that I have known him, I have worked side by side with him on many projects that required planning, communication and physical implementation with city government and community volunteers. Two successful projects come to mind where Eric created a partnership with Landmark Columbus to develop a new native landscape at the old post office on Washington Street and more recently his leadership in helping to author a grant and to fundraise for the two-mile Pollinator Path from Blackwell Park to the Columbus Community Garden.

He and I also worked very closely together to create the Columbus Conservation Guidebook, a practical guide to helping Columbus be a more sustainable city. We were together for the press conference announcing the Project 46 Climate Alliance earlier this year. I know he is passionate about projects that benefit both people and the planet – that also make economic sense. His MBA in social entrepreneurship shines through in so much of what he does.

And he’s not afraid to get dirty! He’s the first one to volunteer for planting projects and regularly leads maintenance activities for the projects we get into the ground. It’s always energizing to be around an ideas guy who is also able to follow through on so many projects.

I highly recommend Eric as a city councilor. While I know he has great ideas, he will also be the first to patiently listen to his colleagues and work with the mayor to find solutions to our affordable housing needs, mental health and substance use issues, and economic investment around Nexus Park and beyond.

If you want to meet Eric, I guarantee he’d love to share donuts and coffee with you, and likely become a fast friend!

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee.