Athletes of the Week

Anderson Horn


Anderson Horn // Columbus North sophomore football player

Horn recorded several tackles, including two key fourth-down stops, to lead the Bull Dog defense in a 35-12 sectional final loss to Center Grove.

His performance last week: “I feel pretty good about it. They’re a very strong team, and we played well as a group and a family.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “Me and a couple of my buddies go to Luke Russell’s house, and his mom makes us some sandwiches.”

Favorite drink: “Big Red”

Favorite food: “A nice steak.”

Favorite class: “Mr. (Andy) Dunn’s Principles of Business Management class.”

Favorite sports team: “Indiana University”

Favorite athlete: “Fred Warner”

Role model: “My dad (Will Horn).”

Best advice: “Don’t skip any reps in the weight room and do everything 100 percent.”

Athletics goal: “I’d like to play in college at any level.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Paris. I really think the architecture over there and the Eiffel Tower is really cool.”


Madelyn Poe // Columbus East senior basketball player

Madelyn Poe

Poe led the Olympians with 22 points in a 57-50 win against Purdue Poly Englewood and with 13 points in Saturday’s 56-30 loss to Bloomington South.

Her performance last week: “I think it a good first week. We had a win and a loss, but I think we played hard both games, and I’m excited for the season continuing forward.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I like to listen to music before the game, and I pray during the National Anthem.”

Favorite drink: “Mr. Pibb”

Favorite food: “Steak”

Favorite class: “AP Biology”

Favorite sports team: “Indiana University”

Favorite athlete: “Michael Jordan”

Role model: “My mom and dad (Jessica and Cameron Poe)”

Best advice: “No matter how many times you fail, keep persevering and keep getting back up because God has a plan each and every time for you to continue to do well.’’

Athletics goal: “I hope to achieve 1,000 (career) points and have a winning record for our team.”

If you could travel anywhere: “Bora Bora, because I love the beaches, and it looks beautiful.”