Athlete of the Week

Gabbie Meier


Gabbie Meier // Columbus East senior diver

Meier broke her own six-dive school record with a score of 266.55 Saturday in the Olympians’ 98-87 season-opening loss to Bloomington North..

Her performance last week: “Warmup, I was just kind of throwing my dives just to get them off the board, but for the meet, I felt like I wasn’t that anxious or nervous, and I could actually perform really good.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “Before I dive, I will prep. I’ll do work on the ground, and that helps to know where I’m at on my dives.”

Favorite drink: “Root Beer”

Favorite food: “Anything pasta”

Favorite class: “Nursing”

Favorite sports team: “I really like watching the IU divers.”

Favorite athlete: “Probably right now, it’s Travis Kelce, because I’m a Taylor Swift fan.”

Role model: “My parents (Shane and Trish Meier) and (former East diving coach) Cordell Glass.”

Best advice: “You don’t know if you’re going to fail unless you try, and even if you do fail, at least you did try. And you can always get better.’’

Athletics goal: “I haven’t broken my 11-dive record in a year, so I’ll go for that. And I want to throw some new dives. I’m working on some right now.”

If you could travel anywhere: “I would love to travel to Italy. It’s just really beautiful there, and I know the food is amazing. I love pasta, so I’d be down to go to Italy.”