Students learn about life with ‘Mad Money”

Photo provided Students participate in the Mad City Money simulation to figure out how to budget and handle finances.

Students in ninth grade Preparing for College and Careers classes at both Columbus North and Columbus East high schools participated in the Mad City Money simulation from Nov. 13th to Nov. 16th.

The Bartholomew County Financial Literacy Coalition sponsored the event and had more than 40 community and business volunteers.

The simulation allows students to practice budgeting skills based on monthly incomes.

The students visit eight merchants in Mad City to purchase housing, transportation, food, child care, and other needs. The simulation also includes a “fickle finger of fate” that may be an unexpected expense like a vehicle repair or a windfall perhaps from a work bonus.

The goal of the simulation is for students to practice budgeting with realistic circumstances, identify and experience the consequences of budgeting decisions, develop good judgement regarding spending and making a budget, and understand that budgeting is a necessary step in good money management.