Tracy Souza: Grateful for the PB&J that saved that day

At this time of year thoughts go to things for which we are grateful. This year, in addition to those recurring items for which I am grateful, I added an odd one — a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

A week before Thanksgiving I was at a Pilates class, working off those calories that I planned to put back on with holiday pies and thinking about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I often exercise over the lunch hour and often don’t take time to eat afterward. However, I really wanted that sandwich, so I went home.

As soon as I walked into the house, I knew something was wrong. There was a smoky chemical smell that had not been there that morning. I immediately put my dogs outside and began feeling walls and checking appliances. Not being able to identify the source, I called 911 and explained that there were no visible flames, but something was making my eyes tear.

Columbus firefighters arrived promptly and reassured me that they too smelled something. After searching the room, they pulled a small trash can outside and upon emptying it found a smoldering rag that I had used to apply linseed oil on deck chairs the day before.

Sure enough, the warning label on the container warned that rags are combustible if not thoroughly rinsed after use. But the writing was too small to read even with reading glasses so naturally I ignored it.

The CFD personnel were terrific, and I am very grateful for their professionalism and efficiency.

Things could have gone so much worse had I waited until 5 p.m. to go home.

I happily accepted the teasing from friends and family about my inability to read directions and almost “setting my house on fire”. But added to my list of things I am thankful for this year is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Tracy Souza is president and CEO of Heritage Fund – The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County. Contact the fund at 812-376-7772 to learn more about how they can help you do “Your Philanthropy. Your Way.” Send comments to [email protected].