Two receive Reams Family Awards for Excellence in Teaching


Local private school teachers Brandy Gilliatt and Joleen Krueger are recipients of the 2023 Reams Family Awards for Excellence in Teaching administered by Heritage Fund – The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County.

Established in 2007 by former Bartholomew County residents Fred and Karen Reams, the annual awards recognize outstanding educators teaching in the private schools serving Bartholomew County and is awarded with a cash stipend.

Recipients are nominated by their principals with additional recommendations encouraged from fellow teachers, parents and students.

First place award recipient Gilliatt ($5,000), math teacher for the past 16 years at ABC-Stewart Montessori School, was nominated for being an enthusiastic, kind and compassionate educator who has had a positive impact on her students, their families, and our school community. She was praised for contributing to the school’s growing math program and being a lifelong learner who consistently participates in and seeks out professional development opportunities.

“She is an advocate for all children and has proven that she is willing to go the extra mile to make sure all her students feel loved, supported and safe,” Head of School Stefanie Stafford wrote in her nomination.

Kindergarten teacher Krueger ($4,000) has been with St. Peter’s for the past 25 years and is praised as a dedicated and enthusiastic educator who strives to create an engaging learning environment for her students. She has also been a leader in the school when implementing new technologies, strategies and curriculum.

“She always goes the extra mile to ensure her students are challenged and supported in their learning. Her enthusiasm and leadership motivate all in our school,” Principal Paul Meredith wrote in his nomination.