Jay Ambrose: Harvard gets a flunking grade

Harvard is the greatest university in America, maybe the world, or so some might have believed until listening to its president, Claudine Gay. She was asked at a congressional hearing if inflamed, retrograde students recently screaming for Jewish genocide were breaking the school’s rules. It depends on the context, she replied, as if the context wasn’t made clear in the question and that she could dupe everyone with fraudulent intellectualism.

What had transpired was an astonishing scene with Gay and two other presidents of elitist institutions of higher learning seeming more like they were devoted to lower learning, if any. The insight they engendered was one of American decay as Nazified students, supposedly among our best and brightest, getting away with forming mobs while screaming about all Jews and expressing morally abhorrent, mindless hatred toward Israel for the crime of defending itself against Hamas, the terrorist ruler of Gaza.

The dreaded sickness of antisemitism, which has been plaguing an innocent, wondrously exceptional minority throughout much of known history, is suddenly in our face in full force in America, where it seemed some time back to have begun dwindling to something less and less frightening. Its endurance in the Middle East, however, couldn’t have been more certain given a dramatic outburst by Hamas fanatics.

They invaded Israel and killed babies. They tortured parents to death as children watched. Merrily laughing, they stripped clothes from women before subjecting them to repeated rape. These particular Israeli victims were then left painless through murder.

The death toll in the bloody performance was something like 1,200 Israelis as dozens more and some Americans were taken away as hostages. With guidance from the big-daddy nation of Iran, and despite Israel affording so many Gaza residents chances of work in Israel while donating money to the country, Hamas was starting a war no doubt foreseen as Israel’s demise as other Iranian proxies cheerfully aided the effort. Iran could direct the show thanks to President Barack Obama and then-President Joe Biden relieving the profiting, dictatorial regime of sanctions meant to prevent nuclear capabilities.

Israel, in its thoroughly justified military response to the massacre, has been accused of mercilessly killing Palestinian civilians when in fact Hamas is killing them through often keeping them around when Israel affords cease-fire moments for their escape. Hamas leaders are Hitler reinvented with the readily voiced objective of killing all Israeli Jews no matter what it takes. This is a repeat of unending persecution through 2,000 and more years, including the past century. Jews also faced military resistance as they aimed for safety in reestablishing the Israel of ancient times and getting international approval after the German Holocaust.

Although most Americans object, tormenting Jews is not limited to Israel but has become disgustingly alive throughout too much of our country and is hardly scarce in certain universities and colleges less than elite. Not a few of these schools dismiss America as founded by the greedy rich as they themselves burden students with tuition beyond imagination. They worship identity politics, believe virtually all white people are inescapably oppressors, insist diversity is more important than merit and have converted education into indoctrination. The schools teach students not to tread on leftist ideology and they shut up challenges, as in a Harvard biology lecturer being harassed into departure for saying there are just two sexes, men and women.

Harvard’s governing board didn’t like what Gay said and she apologized, keeping her job while praised for her excellence. The president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was likewise praised along with some criticism. The president of Penn resigned in the midst of verbal putdowns. Some donors have said so long to Harvard even as it remains super-rich. Not a few have commented on its limiting the number of highly capable Asian students and the practice of handing out A’s to virtually all students in all classes, likely causing some to apply themselves less.

Fewer and fewer are likely to give Harvard an A.

Jay Ambrose is an op-ed columnist for Tribune News Service. Readers may email him at [email protected]. Send comments to [email protected].