Letter: The path for Nikki Haley leads to the White House

From: Judy McCormick


I’m tired of hearing from TV, radio and newspaper reporters that there is no “path” for Nikki Haley to win the Republican nomination for president of the United States! Any American who heard her speak on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Jan. 28, should have awakened to see she is the most qualified, intelligent and passionate candidate to lead our country out of the chaos, hatred, weakness, and dysfunction that we have been in ever since Donald Trump and Joe Biden came on the scene!

Those Republicans who still stubbornly support Donald Trump need to wake up and learn that he should not be allowed to lie, rant, insult, and buy his way back into office! We, the American people, are a moral, caring, compassionate people who demand that the leader of the free world is also. We can be strong, lead, be fiscally responsible, solve problems intelligently, and still be someone who is respected and set an example of common decency.

I implore any who read this letter listen carefully to what Nikki Haley’s positions are on the issues facing our country and the world. She has pragmatic, nonpartisan solutions, albeit sometimes unpopular with the political elite of her own party; hence, I believe in her uphill battle in winning delegates (that, and the fact that Donald Trump has been “buying” them all ever since he left office). And, of course, she’s a woman, which, in and of itself, is an uphill battle. What I see in Nikki Haley, however, is a woman “tough as nails,” intelligent, more than competent, compassionate, and young enough to lead our country for many years to come.

What is the “path” for Nikki Haley? President of the United States!

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. Political endorsement letters are published with a $25 fee. They may be submitted to [email protected].