Letter: Mentor sees entrepreneurial spirit thriving at Ivy Tech

From: Bill Adams


Through the Every Employee Every Community program at Cummins, I was afforded the opportunity to attend and speak at the Ivy Tech Garatoni School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. I was invited back by Laura Montgomery, the dedicated instructor of this class, to attend the students’ pitches for their business ideas and offer any guidance that I felt would benefit the students and their presentations.

Although this is a relatively small class, in my estimation this school serves not only as an outstanding vehicle for shaping the next generation of business leaders but stands as a testament to community-centric values that drive success. The students’ articulate pitches and expertly detailed business ideas resonated not just with entrepreneurial flair, but with the vibrant spirit of Columbus.

The commitment to community service takes center stage at Ivy Tech. The school’s unique initiative, allowing individuals such as myself to give back through mentorship, provides an opportunity for contributors to engage with local academia, enriching the educational experience.

The hours I spent as a mentor within the entrepreneur class impressed me greatly. Absent was jealousy; instead, each student generously helped one another, fostering an environment where success was celebrated collectively. This collaborative spirit, coupled with their articulate answers and insightful questions, showcased not only business acumen but also left an indelible mark on my perspective as an observer. These students, at a pivotal stage of life, demonstrated that success is not a zero-sum game but a collective journey. Their commitment to mutual growth, shown through their thoughtful interactions and genuine support, paints a picture of a future where collaboration triumphs over competition.

In essence, Ivy Tech’s Garatoni School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation embodies the spirit of collective progress. As these budding entrepreneurs continue to evolve, the ripple effect of Ivy Tech’s impact on shaping not only businesses but also the mindset of future leaders ensures that the world will undoubtedly be better because of the dedication to empowering the youth and fostering a culture where teamwork is not just a mantra but a lived reality.