FFY seeks community input on strategic plan

Andy Young, at left, speaks during the presentation Eugene M. Gurthet Gamesroom plaque during the Foundation For Youth annual meeting, at the Foundation for Youth facility, Columbus, Ind., Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Carla Clark | For The Republic

For almost 100 years, the Foundation for Youth has been committed to supporting the academic, physical, and emotional success of Bartholomew County youth.

But the FFY, located at 405 Hope Ave., has now reached a point in its history where they must develop a strategic plan for the future. FFY Chief Development Officer Karina Willats says the staff needs the community’s input to improve and expand programs to meet the needs of local youth and families.

The initiative is being called: Your Voice, Our Vision – Shape The Future of FFY. Willats says her organization wants to know what the community still needs from her organization, what the foundation does well, where can they improve, and how flexible FFY must be to meet changing needs.

One of the initiative’s main components is to encourage as many community members as possible to fill out an online survey at: bit.ly/FFYCommunityInput.

All input will remain anonymous and will be compiled with the feedback of others to help FFY define the most needed programming in the future.

After the surveys are analyzed, two three-hour visioning sessions will allow ideas and proposals to be discussed and evaluated. Participants only need to attend one session, but they are being asked to register online.

The sessions are scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 21 and at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 23. Child care will be available for youth age 5 and older on Saturday, and refreshments will be served.

One major concern expressed by Willats is the negative impact the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns had on young people today.

“We’re seeing a lot of mental health needs, anxiety,” Willats said. “Some kids were not socialized during the COVID-19 lockdowns. And it doesn’t just go away.”

The foundation wants to help alleviate the different levels of trauma, especially from those children who say they don’t know how to make friends, Willats said. Her organization also wants to make sure kids feel safe, especially among trusted adults, she said.

In recent years, the foundation has taken an growing interest in academically helping children who struggle to keep up with their classmates. According to Willats, tutors at FFY spend much of their time assisting kids in better understanding science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

But the foundation needs guidance on whether they should also be focusing on work readiness and life skills, she said. Other topics to be discussed include flexibility with an individual child’s needs, and whether the community is open to changes in the foundation’s program.

“We will also want some folks talking to us about young people growing up, and what are they seeing,” Willats said.

The FFY also wants to know if the community wants expanded athletic offerings at both the Hope Avenue facility at at the Columbus Youth Camp.

Although the foundation is involved in helping children in a variety of ways, Willats says every program has one thing in common.

“Any program we have, we are trying to build resilience and encourage education,” Willats said. “We are trying to help young people develop a positive identity and build character.”

The Foundation for Youth is asking the community to fill out a survey that will help them better serve the youth of Bartholomew County. Adults and children with an interest in developing local youth are encouraged to give their input to FFY.

For more information

To fill out the survey, go online to: bit.ly/FFYCommunityInput

After data from the surveys are analyzed,the FFY will have two visioning days where community members can discuss various options and suggestions from the survey.

  • Thursday, March 21st, from 4 to 7 p.m. Register: bit.ly/FFYVisioningThurs
  • Saturday, March 23rd, from 9 a.m. – noon, Register: bit.ly/FFYVisioningSaturday

The Foundation for Youth is asking the community to fill out a survey that will help them better serve the youth of Bartholomew County. Adults and children with an interest in developing local youth are encouraged to give their input to FFY.

To fill out the survey, go online to: bit.ly/FFYCommunityInput

After data from the surveys are analyzed,the FFY will have two visioning days where community members can discuss various options and suggestions from the survey.

Thursday, March 21st, from 4 to 7 p.m.

Register here: bit.ly/FFYVisioningThurs

Saturday, March 23rd, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Register Here: bit.ly/FFYVisioningSaturday