Flambeau donates products to Belize

A class of special needs Belizean students are pictured in January 2024 receiving donated Flambeau products and toys.

Flambeau, a North American plastics manufacturer in the Nordic Group of Companies, recently donated 12 pallets of products to the Central American country of Belize. A truck at their Columbus location was loaded with over 4,000 pounds of products, which then drove to Miami, Fla., where it was loaded onto a cargo ship bound for Belize.

Over 7,300 items including art supply containers, storage cases and toys were donated to the nonprofit Project Jumpstart Belize. The donation was one of the largest ever received by the organization.

Duncan Toys Company, another member of the Nordic Group, donated a significant portion of the items, which included a collection of yo-yos.

A celebration was held by Project Jumpstart Belize on Jan. 27 to highlight the distribution of the items to the Belizean children.

Joseph Peterson, Flambeau’s plant manager, praised Project Jumpstart Belize, stating “Flambeau is more than happy to help (the project’s) efforts to bring opportunity to the Belizean children in remote areas, which they would not have if not for your organization’s efforts.”

To learn more about Project Jumpstart Belize and assist the organization’s cause, visit www.projectjumpstartbelize.org.