Athletes of the Week

Gavin Day


Gavin Day// Columbus East junior diver

Day finished 11th in the diving competition on Saturday to lead the Olympians in the Boys Swimming and Diving State Finals. Earlier in the week, he set a school record in finishing second in the Jasper Regional.

His performance last week: “I felt pretty good. My practices went well, and the regional went well. I scored a 60.5 on my new dive, which is my personal record.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “I’ll model my dives right before I go, and I’ll stretch before I start practing my dives.”

Favorite drink: “I like a good Sweet tea.”

Favorite food: “Angus Beef burger from Hard Truth”

Favorite class: “AP Psychology”

Favorite sports team: “Indiana University”

Favorite athlete: “(Diving legend) Mark Lenzi”

Role model: “My club coaches, Andrew Capobianco and Cole VanDenver”

Best advice: “Just have fun.”

Athletics goal: “I want to make top eight next year at state.”

If you could travel anywhere: “I would travel to Italy because I think their culture and food is pretty cool.”


Reese Euler // Columbus North junior gymnast

Reese Euler

Euler won the vault, bars and beam and placed third on the floor Friday to win the all-around competition and lead the Bull Dogs to a runner-up team finish in the Franklin Central Sectional.

Her performance last week: “I feel like I made improvements in every event leading up to sectional, so I’m very happy to improve going into regional and state.”

Do you do anything special to prepare? “Before most meets, I usually get Starbucks with my friends, and I try to calm myself and remind myself that it’s just another meet and that I can do it.”

Favorite drink: “Strawberry Lemonade Refreshers from Starbucks”

Favorite food: “Chipotle bowls”

Favorite class: “Accounting with Mrs. (Laura) Daily.”

Favorite sports team: “Kentucky men’s basketball”

Favorite athlete: “(Alabama cheerleader) Mary Sergi”

Role model: “My parents (James and Julia Euler). They’ve done so much for me and taken me many places, and I’m definitely who I am today because of them.”

Best advice: “There’s definitely better things on the other side of fear. If you ever have self-doubt, there’s so many more amazing things on the other side.’’

Athletics goal: “I want to win state this year, if not all-around, an individual event.”

If you could travel anywhere: “The Bahamas, because last time I went there, I was in second grade, and this year, I’m going back there with my family.”