Columbus Township Board schedules closed session after fire chief’s resignation

The Columbus Township board will have a closed session at 6 p.m. Monday, followed by an open session at about 7:30 p.m. Monday.

Columbus Township Trustee Ben Jackson said the closed session is to discuss strategy for initiation of litigation or litigation that is pending or has been threatened specifically in writing, with respect to any individual over whom the governing body has jurisdiction, to receive information concerning the individual’s misconduct and to discuss, before a determination, the individual’s status as an employee.

The notification clarifies that the reference to “litigation” refers to any judicial action or administrative law proceeding under federal or state law.

Immediately following the closed session, Jackson said the township board will have a public meeting to take any final action deemed necessary at the closed session and to conduct regularly scheduled business.

If the closed session goes longer than the one and a half hours scheduled, the public meeting will be delayed, according to the notice.

On the public agenda is a listing for Columbus Township fire chief.

Jackson announced fire chief Dave Thompson’s resignation on Tuesday and appointed Josh Ferrenburg on Tuesday as acting fire chief and said a search was beginning to fill the position.

Thompson served more than 12 years with the department, seven years as its chief.

At the time of the resignation announcement, Jackson wrote in a press release that “Columbus Township is grateful for his years of faithful service and wishes him (Thompson) the best in his future endeavors.”

Thompson, who has been contacted by The Republic, has declined to comment on the resignation at this time.