Aging-related seminar set at Mill Race Center

The Financial Literacy Coalition of Bartholomew County is offering a free seminar for all ages “Age My Way: Don’t Leave It To Chance, Make Informed Decisions” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m May 30 at Mill Race Center, 900 Lindsey St., in Columbus.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Advanced Directives, presented by Voelz, Reed, & Mount.
  • “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate” presented by the Purdue Extension Office.
  • “What’s in Your Medication Cabinet?” presented by the Alliance for Addiction and Substance Abuse Progress.

Other topics include subjects such as “Having Fun in Retirement.”

Figures show that the 50-and-older age group is the largest segment of the Bartholomew County population at 37 percent, according to Dan Mustard, executive director at Mill Race Center, a resource for active adults age 50-plus.

Mustard himself dealt with such important issues just last year after his parents died, and realized that their thoughtful estate planning and more saved substantial time and confusion.

“Even so, there’s still so many things that come up and you have to deal with,” he said.

Mill Race Center and the Financial Literacy Coalition are just two resources among many locally helping the older population equip themselves for later-life decisions and planning.

Ward and Associates will also offer a shredding service at the event in the Mill Race Center Parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the seminar.

Harriet Armstrong from the Financial Literacy Coalition mentioned the importance of wisdom in aging-related choices.

“Getting older is inevitable, but how that time is handled is governed largely by choice,” Armstrong said. “Whether one has had a comfortable income or has had to live from paycheck to paycheck, there are choices to make before and during aging. This seminar is to help all be informed.”

Horizon Bank is providing a free lunch, and several agencies will be present to discuss your favorite hobbies, volunteer opportunities, and free programming that is offered

throughout Bartholomew County.

Those planning to attend should RSVP at by May 24, 2024 to guarantee a lunch.

Organizers are stressing that free transportation is available through Columbus Transit on established bus routes. Interested individuals can go to or call at 812-376-2506.