Library plaza concert series set

Henry Barr and the Electric Symphony teen rock band, seen here at last month’s Hutchfest at The Crump Theater, will perform Friday in a free concert on the plaza at Bartholomew County Public Library.

The Republic file photo

This gives hitting the bricks a whole new meaning.

The bricks of the Bartholomew County Public Library Plaza at 536 Fifth St., that is. That’s where the summer concert series technically kicked off recently at the library’s 125th anniversary bash with Cottonpatch providing the music amid that event.

The rest of the stand-alone, free summer series on the plaza is as varied as the books on the shelves. Heck, some of the individual acts themselves perform tunes and multiple genres nearly as varied.

Unless listed otherwise, performances are slated from 6 to 7:30 p.m., meaning the length is now 90 minutes instead of an hour.

Here’s a quick overview of what’s coming:

  • Friday:Electric Symphony. A teen ensemble that earned a warm reception at the recent Hutchfest 2024 event at The Crump Theatre. The band is large enough to boast its own horn section at most dates. Electric Symphony plays everything from from Fleetwood Mac to Paul McCartney to Led Zeppelin.
  • June 14: Banister Bluegrass Band. You’ve heard us say it before: The Banisters can play anything, and draw a toe-tapping troupe of listeners and supporters while doing so. Many people have seen these performers at least at the Columbus Farmers Market, if not elsewhere. If you need an emotional pick-me-up, this is your group.
  • June 28: Laughing Jack. The group known for shanties, pirate songs and more performed in Columbus last fall. The group includes some of the most seasoned and polished musicians in central and south-central Indiana.
  • 7 to 8:30 p.m. July 19: Jazz in July with WFIU Radio. The Al Cobine Big Band, a concert co-organized with the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic’s Jazz at Helen’s series.
  • July 26: State Retro. This local four-piece indie band describes their distinctive sound as funk and blues influenced.
  • Sept 6: HiWay 46: The group has acquired a following via performances at places such as the Columbus Farmers Market and elsewhere with its country, bluegrass, gospel and classic rock.
  • Sept 20: Ruben Guthrie. A well-known area solo act with years of experience. Fun fact: His teen group opened the Rock the Park concert in 2013 before thousands.
  • Oct 18: Northbound Hounds. The group just played the inaugural Columbus On Tap after-party less than three weeks ago.

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