Homeless forum set at Donner Center

A public forum on combating homelessness will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. June 12 at Donner Center, 739 22nd St. in Columbus.

United Way of Bartholomew County and the city of Columbus are hosting the gathering. A meal will be provided.

The purpose of the forum is “to engage the community in creating a shared understanding of the issue of homelessness in Bartholomew County and to begin to work toward solutions,” according to a news release.

The forum will feature the introduction of key partners in the initiative and a group discussion on the topic of homelessness.

United Way of Bartholomew County recently received support from the Columbus City Council to begin to combat homelessness in Columbus. This forum is one of the first steps in a multi-pronged approach the nonprofit entity is utilizing to make homelessness in Bartholomew County “rare, brief, and non-recurring,” as its leaders have put it.

The strategies include:

• Conducting forums and leading other discussions to come to a shared understanding of homelessness in the community.

• Implement modifications to the social service delivery system, which includes a coordinated entry system for those experiencing homelessness, an assessment tool to be used by frontline workers, and the implementation of a Homeless Response Team and “Street Social Worker” pilot program.

• Provide recommendations on targeted investment recommendations to reduce homelessness.

• Constant, and “robust communication” with the public.

Seeking the community’s input at the forum is a critical first step to understanding homelessness in our community, said Mark Stewart, president of United Way of Bartholomew County.

“Homelessness is a complex issue that will take the entire community to solve,” Stewart said. “The first step is to get the community’s feedback so that the city and social services in Columbus can work together to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.”