Brian’s picks

* With Landmark Columbus Foundation’s Local Design Trip at 5:45 p.m. today, Martha Velderrain Chavez will take folks on a walking excursion that connects to her personal history of downtown as a graduate student at the J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program. She will show people some of her favorite places that create a sense of belonging. The tour begins at the Landmark office at 408 Sixth St. Information:

* The comedy-drama “If,” a live-action/animated fantasy starring Ryan Reynolds that explores the idea of what happens to our forgotten imaginary friends, has earned its share of upbeat reviews, and thumbs-up affirmations as solid entertainment for youngsters and adults alike. The flick is playing at 1:30, 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. today at the nonprofit YES Cinema, 328 Jackson St. in downtown Columbus. Tickets are $6 for everyone. Information:

* A Neil Simon classic, “The Odd Couple,” will be presented at Brown County Playhouse, 70 S. Van Buren St. in Nashville from Friday through Sunday (among other dates). Audiences can enjoy the understandable, comic friction between the characters of Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison in their love-hate relationship as chaotic roommates. Information:

Staff writer Brian Blair can be reached at [email protected].