School board filing deadline approaches

The filing period to run for one of the Bartholomew Consolidate School Corp. school board and the Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corp. school board seats in the fall election is set to end Thursday.

The deadline to file a petition to run for one of the school board seats is noon Thursday.

In this year’s general election, BCSC School Board District 3, 5 and 7 seats will be on the ballot. District 3 incumbent Todd Grimes and District 5 incumbent Pat Bryant are not seeking reelection.

Additionally, the Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corp. School Board seats held by Matthew Bruner and Brian Rose will be on the ballot this fall.

The most recent information available from the Bartholomew County Clerk’s Office shows that seven people have filed to run for the seats. The clerk’s office was closed Wednesday due to the Juneteenth holiday.

Turning Point Domestic Violence Services President Whittney Loyd and local finance and accounting executive David Theile have filed to run for the BCSC School Board District 3 seat.

Tom Glick and Leigh W. Britt have filed to run for the BCSC District 5 seat.

District 7 incumbent and current BCSC School Board President Nicole Wheeldon and Samantha Ison have filed to run for the District 7 seat.

Bruner, who is currently the Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corp. School Board vice president, has filed to run for another term. Based on the most recent information available, nobody has filed to run for the seat currently held by Rose.

People who are interested in running for a school board seat must file a petition of nomination with 10 signatures of registered voters.

For the BCSC School Board, the signatures can come from any registered voter in the BCSC school district, while for Flat Rock-Hawcreek, the signatures must come from registered voters in the school board district in which the candidate is running, according to Bartholomew County Clerk Shari Lentz.