Letter: Urge Congressmen to support Farm Bill, food aid programs

From: Ann Jones


The Farm Bill plays a significant role in addressing hunger in the U.S. and around the world. As a member of Bread for the World, I believe everyone should have access to enough nutritious food to help them lead healthy and productive lives. Studies show that when people have the opportunity to purchase nutritious foods, they will.

I urge Rep. Greg Pence and Senators Mike Braun and Todd Young to support a Farm Bill that fully funds the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) without adding additional obstacles that would restrict access to this vital program. Your representative and/or senators should also support increased funding for the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, which enables SNAP participants to purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables.

In addition, I also urge our congressmen to fully fund Food for Peace and other international nutrition programs that provide critical assistance to millions of women and children around the world.