Indian poetry and music program Saturday at Columbus East

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Indian actress and poetry presenter Spruha Joshi will be part of a poetry and music program Saturday in Columbus.

Columbus Ganesh Mandal is hosting a playful Marathi poetry recital program, “Sankarshan via Spruha,” at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Columbus East High School auditorium, 230 S. Marr Road.

The two-and-half-hour program is headlined by leading artists from the Marathi industry, Spruha Joshi and Sankarshan Karhade. They will be supported by musicians Gandhar Jog and Vinay Cheulkar.

“It’s very engaging,” said Sharvari Kolhatkar, president of the Columbus Ganesh Mandal that presents the local Ganesh festival and other cultural programs.

Tickets are available at People should scroll down the homepage to the headline “Upcoming Event.” Nearly 300 tickets already have been sold.

Snacks and dinner also will be available.

Marathi poetry is a poetry written in the Marathi language, including its various dialects, according to online sites. The poet-saints Namdev and Dnyaneshwar, from Maharashtra, India, wrote the earliest significant religious poetry in Marathi. They were born in 1270 and 1275, respectively.

Joshi is an Indian TV, film and theater actress. Karhade is a writer and actor, known for Indian films such as “Mazhi Tuzhi Reshimgaath” in 2021.

They are supported by co-artists Gandhar Jog and Vinay Cheulkar providing music to the show.

The “Sankarshan via Spruha” show is famous for the unique style of poetry performed by both artists.

Both the performers got the idea for the show during the pandemic, performing poetry recitals on social media. They held online performances and later shifted to stage shows as things returned to normal.

The two have done nearly 100 in-person shows across India and in other locales such as Singapore and Australia, and most recently, the United States. Days ago, performances in Texas attracted about 250 people per show, according to organizers.